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Posts Tagged ‘C#’

Consulting work

Habanero workWebsite work summary: A variety of User Experience Development consulting work for Habanero Consulting.

Websites: FortisBC, Calgary Board of Education, Goldcorp, CAPP, Precision Drilling

Dates: April 2013 – ongoing

Expertise provided: User Experience Development

Technology used: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, ASP.NET, Responsive Web Design, SharePoint MOSS, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint online, Visual Studio Online, AngularJS, Handlebars.js, GruntJS, LESS, JS Unit Testing, Photoshop, Fireworks, Google Maps, YQL, Web API, LINQ to SQL

Features: SharePoint portal solutions.


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Servus website development and Service Delivery Management

Servus desktop and mobile sitesWebsite summary: Servus Credit Union website development work and Service Delivery Management

Website: www.servus.ca

Date: July 2011

Expertise provided: Front end and .NET coding, Service Delivery Management

Technology used: jQuery, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET C#, Sharepoint, TFS

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Gigman iPhone application

GigmanWebsite & Application Summary: An iPhone application that prevents you from ever missing your favourite bands’ gigs.

Website: Unfortunately TicketMaster, who provided the band gig data feed for Gigman, decided that they were going to no longer make their data feed available to the public, meaning Gigman did not have the event data it needed to function, so this app is no longer on the iTunes App Store (I guess TicketMaster realised they were losing money making opportunities by making their datafeed publicly available so shut it down).

Date: October 2009

Expertise provided: Application and Database planning and development, Content Editing, Search Engine Optimisation

Technology used: WCF webservices, C# .NET, SQL Server 2008 database

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World Anti-Doping Agency website build

World Anti-Doping Agency

Website Summary: Redevelopment of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) website to make it significantly more engaging, attractive, usable and maintainable.

Website: www.wada-ama.org

Date: October 2009

Expertise provided: Client consulting, CMS Implementation

Technology used: ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, XHTML, EPiSERVER CMS,

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Claremont Rug Company website redesign

Claremont Rug Company

Website Summary: Redevelopment of the Claremont Rugs website to better cater to the customers of their niche antique rugs market and help drive business and sales by the implementation of a high resolution and dynamic rug image gallery.

Website: www.claremontrug.com

Date: September 2009

Expertise provided: Production Management, Project Management, Client consulting, Website and Application development

Technology used: ASP.NET 3.5, SQL Server 2005, Web Services, AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, XHTML, Google Adwords, Custom CMS.

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RESAAS startup desktop and mobile website development and architecture

RESAAS website and mobile siteSummary: A starup SAAS project with a view to bringing a markedly better website offerings to both realtors and their customers in Canada.

Website: www.resaas.com

Date: March 2009

Services I provided: Production Management, Project Management, Client Liaisons, Project Scoping, Lead Development

Technology used: ASP.NET 3.5 C#, SQL Server 2005, XHTML, CSS, JSON Web Services, Clickatel SMS/text messaging,  XML, XSD, Akamai CDN, Google Maps.

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TinyMassive Shopping Widget and Website Design and Build

TinyEverywhere Homepage

Website Summary: New shopping advertising widget network and website design and build.

Date: May 2008

Expertise provided: Web application and database architecture and design, Project coordination, Client Liaisons

Technology used: ASP.NET 3.5, SQL Server, XML, Webservices, AJAX

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Transport for London public website build and redesign

Transport for London website

Website Summary: Redevelopment of the Transport for London (TfL) website in to a user-focused, task centric, good looking, modern website, along with migration of the website to a CMS powered, ASP.NET, 10 server platform, all supported via the Akamai Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk

Date: February 2007

Expertise Provided: Project Management, Coordination of 15 Suppliers, Technical Architecture and Technical Lead.

Technology Used: ASP.NET, SQL Server, Akamai CDN, Scheduled Tasks, RedDot CMS.

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TfL Group New Media Job Booking System

TfL GNM Job Booking System

Website Summary: Web Application upgrade of the TfL Group New Media Department’s Job Booking System

Website: Internal URL

Date: November 2005

Expertise provided: Entire project planning, scoping, design, HTML build, management and user centred design.

Technology used: ASP.NET, SQL Server, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript

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Transport for London Boroughs Extranet

The Boroughs Extranet home page mockup

Website Summary: An ASP.NET password protected extranet for TfL’s use in communicating with the 33 Boroughs of London regarding transport information, planning, guidelines, strategies and budgets.

Website: (Password protected site)

Date: March 2005

Expertise provided: Project Management, Project & meeting lead, user interviews, Usability testing, Content Editing and Guidance

Technology: ASP.NET, SQL Server, XHTML, CSS, XML/XSLT

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