Panglobal Brands website redesign
Website Summary: Panglobal Brands, a parent company for a number of women’s fashion wear based in LA, required an updated website that was more comprehensive and a thorough reflection of their sub-brands’ offerings, as well as the creation of websites for some of their newer fashion brands.
Date: January 2009
Expertise provided: Production Management, Project Management, Client Liaisons, Content Editing and Guidance, Search Engine Optimisation
Technology used: Flash, XHTML, CSS

Scrapbook Originals
Website Details: As a trend setter women’s fashion, Panglobal Brands (PB) wanted to boost their online corporate presence to improve brand awareness, help drive fashion sales, and provide a face to the corporate side of their business. Additionally, PB needed websites created for some of their fashion brands for contact and showroom information. The new website focuses on the different types of users for the PB website, from distributors to corporate investors, and provides an interactive experience for navigating through their offerings. It educates users about the brands, as well as their corporate profile, thus achieving both business and user objectives in conjunction. The website uses an image carousel for an engaging way to browse through their brands, along with standard navigation to ensure that users can find way they are looking for.
Features: A variety of navigation options for finding content of interest to the user, as well as an easily updateable content sections (rendered from text files) to enable the site to be kept up to date despite it’s Flash interface. The site persuades users as to the benefits of their fashion brands, and includes links out to their numerous brands’ sub-sites for contact and showrooms information.
Employer: The website for Panglobal Brands was built whilst working for Lightmaker


Tagged under: Content Strategy, CSS, Flash, Photoshop, Production Management, Project Management, Search Engine Optimisation, User Centred Design, XHTML