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Two Roads Retail Specialists website design & build

Two Roads Retail Specialists - The road less travelledWebsite Summary: Complete website design and build.

Website: www.tworoadsretailspecialists.ca

Date: October 2010

Expertise provided: Website design and Build, Requirements gathering, Project Management and Coordination, Content Guidance and editing, Search Engine Optimisation

Technology used: WordPress,  XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

Website Details: My job was to gather business requirements for the website, create branding for Two Roads Retail Specialists relevant to the company name and philosophy, and bring that to life on the web.  The brief was for the site and brand to be professional, classy, practical, daring and reputable, to provide wholesalers and potential employees pertinent information about the speciality retail services that TRRS provide, and provide online services that optimise TRRS business processes with regards to new employees.

Features: Full-featured CMS, integrated user centred experience, custom photo gallery.

Professional, Standout, Class, Practical, Impressive, Daring, Reputable, Reliable

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