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TfL Group New Media Job Booking System

TfL GNM Job Booking System

Website Summary: Web Application upgrade of the TfL Group New Media Department’s Job Booking System

Website: Internal URL

Date: November 2005

Expertise provided: Entire project planning, scoping, design, HTML build, management and user centred design.

Technology used: ASP.NET, SQL Server, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript

Website Details: The Job Booking System is integral to Group New Media’s (GNM) operation and function within the 20,000 strong Transport for London (TfL), as GNM is responsible for all web-based content across Transport for London. The system is used for the request, management and processing of all work performed by GNM within TfL. I was the key project member, both leading the project and implementing it in accordance with the department and TfL’s goals and objectives. As part of the implementation of the new system, I conducted a lot of User Centred Design related work: such as stakeholder interviews, use case development, translating the user requirements in to a functional specification and application design, and post implementation user testing, interviewing and review.

Features: Role based job processing and workflow management, membership system, administration, statistics, logging, file management and automated emailing system.

Employer: This website was built whilst working for Transport for London.

Job Booking System Job Request page

Job Booking System Job Request page

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