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new2london.net Social Messaging & PayPal payment integration

new2london.net Messaging SystemWebsite Summary: Various feature enhancements for the new2london website.

Websites: new2london.net

Date: April 2010

Expertise provided: Social Messaging System implementation, Website Payment application architecture, PayPal integration, Project coordination, Client Liaisons

Technology used: ASP.NET 3.5, SQL Server, PayPal, XHTML, CSS

Website Details: The new2london.net website has been enhanced by the addition of a number of features. First was the migration to a paid subscription based website to allow members to use the social networking site’s features that promote making connections with like-minded people new to London. The change of business model meant it required a seamless integration with PayPal to ensure optimal conversions for the website. A Social Messaging system upgrade was also rolled out to the website to improve the members’ experience when messaging friends and new people.

Features: Social Messaging system, PayPal checkout for purchase of website’s membership subscription.

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